Earn more: mining with your bandwidth
(last update: 27 October 2022)

I have written a guide on how to maximize your $PKT earnings by compiling the miner yourself, or even use my optimized pre-compiled version. For that guide see: 
In this guide I'll show you how to earn even more money by fully utilizing your unused bandwidth, which can be done while mining (PKT Cash) simultaneously !  
How does this work, what are we going to set-up, why ?
We will register on several different platforms which can be used at the same time whilst mining (PKT Cash). These platforms will use our unused bandwidth and will reward us with Cash -or crypto- ! The biggest benefit ? All of the four platforms can be used at the same time, and while we mine (PKT) ! This means we can maximize our earnings.
Let's get registered on the platforms ! 
Lets get started by registering on the platforms which allow us to share our bandwidth !
The following links can be used for a welcome bonus:
HoneyGain (Click)
Pawns (Click)
 EarnApp (Click)
RePocket (Click)
Once registered on all platforms, let continue and start earning
Time to share our bandwidth and start earning !
Install the platforms application on your device

On each platform you'll be greeted with different options. For most users it's recommended to use the your Android - iOS device(s) to share your bandwidth. Linux & Windows versions are available too for users whom are mining (PKT) on their systems. You can use all four platforms simultaneously while mining (PKT) ! 

For HoneyGain, refer to the following page:
For Pawns, refer to the following page:
For EarnApp, refer to the following page:
For RePocket, refer to the following page:
Once you've installed the apps, sign-in to get started
Once you've installed the apps corresponding to your system, or even on your mobile device, do not forget to disable any battery-optimizations set by your system, so these apps can run in the background without being force-closed. The applications will offer you the choice to run at boot, while others can be run in the CLI. 
Time to mine & utilize these platforms ! 
Once set-up, we can start mining (PKT Cash) while also running these apps to share our bandwidth. You will now be earning (PKT Cash &) money on these 4 different platforms simultaneously ! This way, we maximize earnings by fully utilizing our already busy machine - or mobile device - and our available bandwidth ! 

Hopefully this will allow more people to bridge the current period where energy prices are going through the roof. I hope it helps and you'll enjoy this lil' extra on the side.
That's all ! Hope you enjoy, and feel free to message me with any questions.
I genuinely hope you as a reader, will benefit from this walk through.
If you're feeling kind or helped by my efforts to increase your (PKT) yield...
PKT: pkt1qc4l3wgtkx3t4qez6pun5k73cktcdczkqqutwnj
PayPal: https://PayPal.me/SiemdeNijs

To greatly increase your PKT Cash yield, see my other tutorial:

-Siem de Nijs
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